lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Post live out of the closet...4th Man Out

Gay cinema usually tends to go for a more dramatic path, and no wonder why since most of all journey for gay people is full of insecurities and drama, which means that they don't have it as easy as others since all our culture was based for heterosexual behavior and everything is based on this idea pr pattern till now when things have taken a different twist allowing all this people to open themselves and feel accepted in a society that once rejected them and judge them as different only to realize that they are as humans as everybody else and we all part just of a very diverse human behavior, without being one better than the other. But with a lack of background that support the education and evolution of gay culture, these community has faced fear, mostly of rejection and the feeling of being not loved so how can you ask someone to love each other when we thought them the opposite and bullied them in their own homes, turning into a new generation that rejects and judges their own only in an eternal search for acceptance and validation that only sees what is on the surface for being afraid to go deeper and being hurt.

So for any gay the first step in this unique journey they were born is to accept themselves and with that, coming out of the closet, which means, coming as a gay person to others, family and friends. So even this is the most important and harder moment in any gay's life, obviously will be the scariest and  most difficult to face, reason why tends to go more for drama side, when depression and rejection shows up, so finding a more feeling good movie that focus on this process making it accesible to their audience, both the ones involve directly or in any other way, and without trying to preach or educate, reflect a crucial moment for a big % of the population.This is "4th man out" (2015), a story of a young gay man that faces the moment in his life when has to man up and tell all the people he cares about and care about him, his sexual preference as this will impact in many aspects of his life and being honest and transparent will only bring the best for any of his relationships with others. Living in a very straight world, working as a mechanic and sharing his free time with his other three best friends, the ones that has since childhood, and living in a small town, this young guy is introduced to us just in the moment when due to his 24th birthday feel the need to be honest with his friends and tell them this truth about him now that he has gone through his personal process and accepted himself the way he is, seeking for the life he deserves.

His first approach will be to Chris, his closest friend from the group and the one he has more in common with and after a fun night out he just took it out and confess, putting his friends in a zone where they have no idea how to react and say. But Adam, our main character, doesn't want anything to change, he just need to be accepted as has always been, now with this change in his life. So his friends will struggle at first to adjust and do the right thing to support him but the love they have for him and the fact that he is still the same guy the uno and like will make it easy for them, proving that once anyone is letting himself to open up for different things and opening their mind to accept something relatively unknown and different, things will clear up by itself. So once that they start feeling confortable in this whole process of acceptance and tolerance, things will go back to normal and they will look for the same thing they want in their life, to share them with his friend that seems a little bit lonely, so they will sign up for a series of adventures to take him out there and meet new people and go on dates to find that right guy for him but even in comedies and light perspective of things, life is not that easy and things don't always go the way we want to, so Adam will face the reality of a gay scene where guys take care themselves too serious and finding a connection seems harder than all the coming out process.

Even the movie falls into most of all cliches of the genre, is refreshing to feel hope and root for this people that live among us and has been marginalized for so long and also deserves their happiness the same way we have been witness of thousands of classic rom-com's that while trying to prove that happy endings do exist and love is in the air, his also should apply for everyone, no matter in what minority they could fit into. Part of evolution and society evolving into accepting diversity means showing them what they can't relate to, so showing stories more accesible than the usual dramas of gay cinema will help to show how this community co exist and faces a reality that used to be a taboo in the past. Only realizing how hard is for anyone to come out of the closet and accept to themselves as to their beloved ones their sexual preference, making a journey and a process that is definitely not as easy as sounds but with help of the people we love, will make a big difference for sure. Usually this process send them to very lonely place and a depressing feeling of rejection and being by themselves that only love and friendship can help to make it easy. Sadly even their own community will reject and judge them by their looks and likes before getting to know them, then family ill play a major role as theres a black hole on how to raise  a gay son, but to show them your love, respect and support will make a difference.

Usually friends help and mark our lives in ways that we won't recognize at the beginning. We set a mark on things that we know from them and others that they learned from us, making both of us better everyday and thats the pure magic of friendship and love. But how can we make this process to start since early stages so by the time they grow up, will become as normal and as cool person as any other without the stigma of their sexual preference. Only showing them your love and respect will avoid the need of them to seek for validation while having sex and hooking up with everybody and 24/7. Definitely this movie has heart and for those not close enough to relate to the topic, will be a smooth introduction to an unknown process that a few deals as part or their lives and while making us smile will also make us feel and think about all this community that deserve better other than just party, sex and shopping, but to feel normal and seek for a normal life. So if you know someone or you someone dealing with all this, you might sit and turn the tv on and find this little jewel on Netflix and start realizing what is all bout and showing some love and respect will change their lives, unless you might prefer to go back to a close minded closet where no tolerance and rejection is still aloud hile out of it everybody is ready to enjoy the diversity of human condition on how all this new generations are evolving to a more superficial side losing their contact with reality .

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