Well, how about a movie that finally hits both sides nailing points where everybody has been as single or partnered, and all this questions about love and the mysterious world of relationships. How about a romance that will make you feel and think while also prove to be some kind of funny, cause it's sense of humor is more sarcastic and wicked that you might feel guilty to laugh about it, because everybody has been there, done that, and can feel sometimes like a slap in the face. "The Lobster" (2016), is a new redefined film from the formulaic genre of rom-com's where everything follows a series of cliches or if trying to avoid them miss the point and heart of the movie. Due to it's title, some would be pushed away from the theaters, but this indie project definitely is not for everybody, but realistic and skeptics will be pleased with a story that will serve to prove that love is in indeed in the air but also is a hard work that has no happy ending but an exciting journey that takes times and compromise. So for everybody wondering already what's about it, let's just say that the story centers in a middle aged man, that has lost his wife. But in any other reality this would be the starting point for a very intense drama, but in this alternative world, people are meant to be coupled. So when someone for any reason loses a companion and becomes single is retired from the city and sent to a hotel that looks more like a prison where would be signed for 45 days of vacation all included.
But those are no vacation, they are a countdown to you final days when if not finding a new match will be executed and transformed into an animal of your option. So our loner here, is no prince and looks more like a married man than as an eligible bachelor, so knowing his circumstances and attributes, so while going through his process of loss decides to choose be turned into a lobster, hence to the title. Why? well cause they are cold blooded, they live for more than 100 years and he really likes the ocean. So once he made up his mind is ready to enjoy this little retirement and with his new friends take advantage of the pleasures of this civilization. But when people start dying, or being transformed, pressure starts building up and without noticing he would feel it and get trapped in this scenario of finding a match before his last day, so without any attractive woman available and refusing to accept all kind of proposals from the old and not very well looking ones, he goes after the only one thats seems acceptable to his eyes even if she represents all what he dislikes, because she is a bitch and heartless woman. But pretending to be also as cold blooded as her, will prove her that they are a match, so he can be saved but as we all know, lies come down at some point so thats like treason, so our hero now is forced to runaway and hide in the woods trying to survive as a loner, but there is a group of loners out there trying to make a live by being independent and avoiding a coupled life.
So, this group has another extreme rules, because as they embrace and seek a life with no attachments, any intention or contact with others in a flirting way will be severely punished. So as life is unpredictable and works in mysterious ways, now that he faces a live of independence and solicitud, he will meet a match, a middle age woman that shares his short vision (because matching in this reality is not about things in common or liking the same stuff, but sharing some attributes) and so it's love at first sight, they both like each other and the more they spend time, the more they realize how good is one for the other. But they are also living in this place where their lives are endanger so they are cautious and learned how to communicate and get along until it becomes very noticeable bringing others attention that will put their love to a test. And so the story goes the more similitudes with anyone's life you'll find. The world of couples is well represented as this pressure that we live from society pushing us to find someone to spend the rest of our lives, and that pressure mostly leaves to make the wrong decisions and ending with the wrong person but that doesn't matter to the rest while you can keep dirty things in secret, or they will create excuses to make it work or keep them together, like children or getting their own place. But when we actually meet a right match things will flow naturally and we'll want to spend more time together, be touching each other.
But also, facing the reality of what means to be single gives more value to the fact of being in a relationships because it's ok to be able to spend time with ourselves, doing whatever we want, getting to know us better, and letting us facing trouble that will make us stronger so we can let others help us when we really need it instead of putting all our efforts on them. The idea of being strong and independent is important after being living under rules of society where that was not well taken but now being a family is not a must but an option that if taken will bring joy and love for the ones involved. But definitely this is not a movie that will please everybody. If you a fan or sucker for romantic comedies that will make you leave the theater in cloud nine or walking over the rainbow just wanting to call immediately to your partner, this is not for you, and don't get me wrong, it is romantic, but in a more realistic and sarcastic way, making fun of all those ideas, called cliches, that pretend to turn every time spent with your lover like a tv commercial when we know won't happen that way. But also you will definitely be smiling and laughing while witnessing all this stereotypes being exposed just to prove that we have transformed love into a merchandise and relationships are now more a check list, a must in everyone's life than a decision made in base of chemistry, attraction, connection and commitment because all those roses will be put into a test at some point and all that love that you swear to the other will be questioned to a point where you would be asking to yourself what would i be able to do for my lover? How far i'm willing to go for my partner ? What sacrifices i'll accept in order to make this relationship work? And even if you can swear you love someone with all your heart once you have to answer those questions, till then you will realize what love means and if you are with the right person or you just trying to match to be together. With great performances from actors Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz in this unique/bizarre love story you'll be dared to answer the big question and let you fall in love again or for the first time.
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